This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH. This command was introduced on the Cisco 12000 series Internet router.

Subinterface configuration (config-subif) Command History Release No access list is applied to the interface or subinterface. This is a decimal number from 700 to 799. Number of a MAC ACL to apply to an interface or subinterface (as specified by a access-list (MAC) command). No mac access-group access-list-number in Syntax Description

To remove a MAC ACL, use the no form of this command. To use a MAC access control list (ACL) to control the reception of incoming traffic on a Gigabit Ethernet interface, an 802.1Q VLAN subinterface, an 802.1Q-in-Q stacked VLAN subinterface, use the mac access-group command in interface or subinterface configuration mode.